Why Should I Try Equinety Over Other Products?

The short answer is because it Works AND it’s Safe! There are many products on the market and so many choices! One of the great things about Equinety Horse XL is you can add this to whatever you’re currently giving your horse and it has been known to enhance performance. We stand behind our product and let the results of Equinety Horse XL speak for itself!

– It’s easy! 1-2 Scoops per day in your horse’s food
– Cost effective ($99.99 = 1 Tub which will last up to 90-100 days depending on how many scoops you’re giving your horse)
– 1 product with SO many benefits!

Make sure you check out our testimonials!





Disclaimer - The statements found here have not been evaluated by the FDA. The content we provide within this post is not intended to replace veterinary and professional care. Our suggestions are not intended as medical advice. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.